Navigating the Complexities of Human Behavior

PhD Led Assessments and Integration
Supercharging interviewing
This customized approach ensures that the interview process is tailored to the individual’s role and responsibilities. By asking specific questions related to the candidate’s competency areas, we can accurately evaluate their skills for the position. This targeted line of inquiry also helps to determine if the candidate has the necessary expertise to succeed in the role and contribute to the organization’s long-term success. Through this strategic questioning process, we can identify who is the best suited for the position and have the potential for high growth
6 Cultural Trends Impacting Hiring:
- How to identify an organization’s culture
- Aligning cultural values between the executive and company
- Fitting in can be more beneficial than background
- Cultural matches improve longevity
- Hiring for company culture vs. skill
- Integrating your company culture during interviewing
Interview guides and templates
Our library bank of questions will be carefully tailored to each client and specific search project.
Interview library
For high-growth clients, we will develop a library of questions to be used repetitively against specific searches. This step will reduce conscious and unconscious bias and work towards addressing an organization’s DE&I goals.
Interviewing generally yields only what the candidate chooses to say or do during an interview. Our Ph.D. assessment team will help the client understand the bright side and dark side of each individual. Results will be professionally communicated so you, the client, can be better informed about your next hire.
Candidate research
Background checks are standard
Board Level research: Level 5 Partners knows that “check-the-box” general background checks do not always tell the entire story. Our research goes beyond traditional inquiries. When requested, our researchers will build a complete report that will address the board of director mandates for compliance requirements.
Predictive consulting output
Making the investment to hire a search consultant is only the tip of the iceberg. Our PhD led team has learned that not only is it critical to assess the candidates in process, but it is equally as important to assess the employees that will be working closely with the new hire. Ensuring a 360-degree view will align expectations and remove hidden barriers after hire.
Post hire integration
The majority of search firms see their job as finished at day 1 hire. At Level 5 Partners, we believe that the first several months of induction set the tone for long-term success and growth for the client and candidate. Our services provide not only “certified PhD” coaching but also consulting at periodic intervals to address any challenges or obstacles that may develop after hire.
Resilience | Culture | Growth
Cultural differences exist whether we admit it or not. At Level 5 Partners, our PHD consultants can design and lead a variety of courses to enhance early career employees to feel better about the companies they work for their leaders and ultimately perform at elevated levels with lower attrition.
No Boundaries, Just Solutions
As an executive search firm, we offer a menu-based service to our global clients. The right decision for tomorrow’s talent begins with Level 5. Connect with our executive search consultants today to get started!
The right decision for tomorrow’s talent begins with Level 5. Connect with our executive search consultants today to get started!