Global Business Development Leader – Electric Vehicle Start-Up  (Last Mile)   

Client's Challenge  

Our client was in the "stealth stages "of developing a last-mile electric vehicle. These vehicles are to be deployed and used in urban settings, high-density environments, and areas with pre-defined routes. Now visible to the community, the firm was challenged to attract top talent in numerous areas without exposing the name of the firm. Therefore, Level 5 Partners was mandated to develop an approach to the market without disclosing its name or purpose. The client provided Level 5 with very little information to establish the executive brief and few details to the market, except for a verbal dialog and several intake calls.  

Level 5's Solution

Using a modified business approach and without sharing the client's name, Level 5 Partners developed a confidential executive brief and pulled research details from its archives to enhance the position description. The  CEO & Founder explained that we had completed a number of Business Development searches in the past and had a foundation to build upon. Still, in a relatively new market of last-mile electric vehicles and a company in "stealth mode," we knew this would be a special project. Taking the verbal details, we developed our approach to identifying leaders in the light-duty truck and fleet markets.  

Over a period of  91 days, Level 5 Partners identified 92 candidates that matched the client's requirements. These candidates were thoroughly evaluated, and 6 were shortlisted for further consideration. One candidate emerged as a clear stand-out, particularly in the light and heavy-duty fleet markets.  

Impact on the Client 

Level 5 Partners not only identified and placed the candidate in 92 days, but we also maintained client confidentiality until reasonably required to qualified executives. but the candidate that was identified has also since converted to full-time employment, he was promoted to Vice President and has become a cornerstone of the company's growth. His industry depth and expertise not only surpassed the founders' expectations, but his contribution has led to significant new opportunities in the United States and around the globe, creating a manufacturing backlog into the future. 

About Level 5 Partners  

Level 5 Partners is the Industry's first consulting-driven executive search firm, built on vertical industries and led by experienced operating executives and consultants. Our Industry Vertical Leaders come from the commercial sector and are senior members of the global technology and business community. These executives are transformational thought leaders who have maintained a pinnacle stature in their respective Industries. They advise based on current and future economic and geopolitical trends that shape tomorrow. Our advisors are career executives, and all of the executives understand what drives your business. We believe our executive placements are tomorrow's Level 5 leaders.