Presidential Search – Nonprofit Organization

Client's Challenge

Level 5 Partners was approached by a leading Non Profit firm in the Midwest and asked to discuss a critical development within their leadership ranks. Since 1994, Rainbows has been the sponsoring Agency for Connecting Point, a Sedgwick County Early Childhood Coordinating Council project that brings together more than 40 agencies committed to young children.

As the client explained their challenge, they indicated that for the past 20 years, they had the same individual serving as their President. However, this person had recently communicated their desire to step down in retirement. Rainbows United was now required to identify a new person to become Rainbows' future President, goodwill ambassador,  public face, and voice to the community. The board of directors knew that the job search and selection decision was a critical next step in the Non-Profit's future, and simply looking within the community was one solution, however, they wanted a more extensive selection of executives. Additional challenges included geographic location. Based in the heartland of the United States, it was essential to build a story around the quality of lifestyle while building a leadership message and story for growth.

Level 5's Solution

As Level 5 Partners began its consultative approach, we began to appreciate the critical aspect of the nonprofit firm in the community and the families they served. Many of the team members became a personal mission to assist the organization. During several intake sessions, we developed a clear picture of how important this position was to the employees of the 80-person organization. The executive not only had to be a respected leader within the nonprofit, but they also had to possess a range of other attributes, including a solid reputation within the nonprofit world. They had to keep strategic funding raising attributes, create a long-term vision and communicate a strong sense of accountability, judgment, and motivation. These attributes laid the executive foundation and how Level 5 would go to the market searching for this candidate. Our approach was coming into focus, and we knew that looking outside the community was important, but we recognized that an executive from either coast was not likely. We knew that a leader from the nonprofit world was a requirement and that the executive had to have a solid yet compassionate element to them. In total, there were 10-15 critical attributes that were identified.

As Level 5 Partners continued to understand the history of the current executive, we realized how woven into the fabric the President was. We also noticed that the board was active and hands-on and wanted to participate in the interviewing process. Without controls, we knew stronger personalities might dominate the unbiased selection process.

Our solution was clear. Level 5 Partners proposed a multi-step candidate assessment process. Our partner firm was called upon to implement a standardized assessment and analysis for all qualified candidates. First, the final 4 candidates participated in a standardized leadership characteristics assessment. Second, the client was presented with a report of candidate attributes, thus allowing the client to determine a qualitative candidate ranking. Based on their evaluation, they elected to proceed to panel interviewing. During this process, Level 5 Partners and their partner firm reengaged with the client, and based on board member strengths, we proposed a panel interview with defined questions. This process concluded with a numeric ranking, and in coordination with the assessment output, the client could triangulate the strongest candidate without personal bias.

So impressed with the process and selection methodology proposed by Level 5 Partners, the client elected to hire Level 5 and Leader Onboarding for final integration, team alignment and  LevelSet: Early Feedback. . Included in the onboarding phase was onboarding coaching, Team Alignment and early feedback.  Onboarding coaching provided an opportunity for the new President to speak frankly and receive unbiased support during the critical early months.  Team alignment helped the new President and her team to quickly understand where they were in alignment and more importantly where they were gaps so they could address those. Survey-based early feedback provided an anonymous and confidential way for the President to understand the perspectives from stakeholders critical to  her success and Rainbows.  This feedback helped her and the organization target action.

Impact on the Client

Throughout the process, Level 5 Partners, its partner company, Leader Onboarding, and in collaboration with its key sponsor and Chairman of the Board, we worked in concert and in the best interest of the client's long-term goals. Level 5 Partners completed the search in 93 days by selecting an internal candidate that had applied for the opportunity. Using the same metrics as the external search process, we evaluated 118 candidates, shortlisted 5, and selected their new President.

The organization, including the board and its employees, are thrilled with its new President's process and seamless integration. We believe the new President will be a solid addition to the leadership team and continue their philanthropic mission for years to come.

Through an onboarding process that helped the new President focus on critical activities, she was able to quickly establish trust with key stakeholders and continue to strengthen trust within the organization through learning more about the Board, Donors and community partners, and identifying areas of misalignment and addressing those constructively. Additionally, she continues to grow her fundraising skills and lean into those activities, an area of interest and development for her identified during the selection process.  

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